

Length:  10’6”

Waterline Width:  27”

Capacity:  230-330 depending on depth

Depth:  10” - 13”

   The hull pops out of

   the mold at 13”

   deep.  It is trimmed

   to any depth you

   prefer (no charge)

   10” is the depth

   originally designed by

   Rushton and is

   adequate for most


Hand Laminated Weight & Cost:

KC Hybrid 14 lbs  $1,645

IBKC Hybrid 14 lbs $1,745

Carbon - 11 lbs - $1,795

KC = Kevlar & Carbon

IBKC = Innegra, Basalt,

     Kevlar & Carbon

Also Available:

Vacuum Infusion Process Laminates (VIP)

Vacuum infused hulls are much stronger and 1-2 pounds lighter than Hand Laminated boats.


VIP KC Hybrid $2,124

VIP IBKC Hybrid $2,289

VIP Carbon $2,468

This shows the KC Hybrid laminate -- the black is carbon, the gold is kevlar.  Together they appear almost green -- sorry, can’t explain that.  The carbon laminate is pure black.

Color:  see Color Chart

   page for selections.

Gunnels: nothing looks or

   feels as good as wood.

   Native cherry or ash are

   available at no additional

   charge.  If you’re looking

   for something exotic or

   outrageous just give us a


Seating:  standard seating

   is a foam butt pad with

   adjustable back strap or

   a Touring Tall Back seat.    

   Both are comfortable but  

   plush options are


   Check out the Options

   page for additional

   seating choices or

   kneeling thwarts.

Flotation:  the Wee Lassie is produced without flotation to allow for triangular flotation bags or bulkhead style.

Footrests: adjustable footrests are standard.

Pack Canoe

Wee Lassie 10’6”

A canoe for all reasons (excepting big whitewater) . . . and at 9 - 14 pounds, carrying it over long distances isn’t an issue . . . and neither is loading or off-loading from your vehicle!!!  A junket to backwater ponds or lakes is a legitimate option.  Ask about our hands-free portage system -- walk with your hands in your pockets if you like.

With depths options between 10” and 13”, the Wee Lassie offers generous capacity for paddler, gear, dogs and more.  Offering different depths is a bit of a nuisance in the fabrication shop; however, it’s more than worth the effort in order to precisely match the canoe to your personal size and load requirements (again, there’s no charge for this customizing process).

The hull is pleasantly maneuverable on the tiniest of streams yet it tracks extremely well on open water -- the glide will amaze you!  John Henry Rushton designed the canoe to be paddled with a double blade (kayak style) which offers many advantages:  easier control, greater speed, less fatigue . . . but some prefer a traditional canoe blade.

The shallow V hull is high in initial and final stability for a canoe of 27” beam.  The stems are keen and exhibit some hollow with pretty curves that transition into the waterline.

The Wee Lassie combines the advantages of a kayak with the strong points of a canoe.  A blend of comfort, form and function designed to provide the ultimate paddling experience.

This Wee Lassie is the standard depth

of 10” and is loaded with 170 pounds

Kids kick back -- dad does all the work

Slipstream Watercraft

Discover Ultra-light Paddling

From The Foothills Of

The Adirondack Mountains

In Northern New York


email:  slipstreamwatercraft@gmail.com

If you regularly carry children, gear or pets,

add a note to your order form and we’ll make allowances to insure proper trim whether

paddling alone or with a “passenger”.

Two things that should never be reinvented:

     The Wheel      &      The Rushton Wee Lassie

J Henry Rushton was arguably the finest canoe designer of all time.  Born 1843 in the Adirondack wilderness, Rushton and his craft played a pivotal role in canoeing history.  The Rushton Wee Lassie may be the finest

canoe ever designed.  The Slipstream Wee Lassie is a faithful replica -- true to the original lines.

Paddle one!

You can tell the difference with your eyes closed!

Water, water, everywhere . . . with dozens of Wee Lassies to go around

The walking KC Hybrid Wee Lassie

All that walking means ya gotta rest the legs

Customer comments regarding the Wee Lassie . . .

True story:  a woman demo paddled a Wee Lassie at Old Forge, NY.  Her comment after paddling a 14 pound Wee Lassie:  “WOW!  Compared to the Wee Lassie, my boat is like paddling an old cast iron bath tub . . . with the legs still attached!”

Check out the various comments from Bill Lockwood on the Slipstream Facebook page.  Bill paddles a variety of boats on Long Island Sound, with the gators in Florida and throughout the Adirondack Mountains.  He’ll tell you the Wee Lassie is the only boat for him -- so easy to paddle that he’s faster in his 10’6” Wee Lassie than in much longer boats that become difficult to handle.

Order Form At Bottom

Grand Teton high-country

Electric Blue

Weighing in at 8 lbs 2 oz

“The Sub-ten Wee Lassie”

Carbon With Cedar Gunnels

   Customers say “my baby weighed more than that”!

   “Tie it to a balloon and it’ll fly from your car to the put-in.”

At Slipstream, we consider it a blessing to go the extra mile . . . the team willingly dedicates considerable effort to produce a boat that we hope will meet your special needs

and bless you every time you’re on the water.

   This eight-pounder was custom made for a paddler that is under doctor’s

   orders not to lift more than 10 pounds.  Truly a pretty boat with great

   contrast between the black carbon and light colored cedar gunnels.  Cedar

   is quite soft so the outfitting crew laminated a thin cherry veneer on the top

   surface of the gunnels to prevent paddle dings and roof racks from scaring

   the cedar.  The carbon/cherry/cedar combination makes for a

   very special canoe -- worthy of the Rushton heritage we hope.


Please email (slipstreamwatercraft@gmail.com) to request a Wee Lassie order form or call 518.423.8827